We provide training in the fields of commerce and mediamatics. We offer two commercial apprenticeships each year, and one apprenticeship in mediamatics every second year. And for those who have completed their studies at an intermediate business school we offer the opportunity to complete a long-term commercial practical training course.
Apprentices are able to benefit from dialogue with practical as well as vocational trainers during their apprenticeship. The high standard of training at the FOCA enables apprentices to make an ideal start to their professional life.
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Commercial apprenticeship
The duration of a commercial apprenticeship is three years, and there are three profiles to choose from (M, E or B). Within the FOCA, apprentices change department every six months. By working in human resources, finance, logistics, licensing of flight personnel, aircraft register and the secretariats of the two safety divisions, apprentices are able to gain a thorough insight into the activities of the FOCA.
We publicise available apprenticeships after the autumn holidays each year on a variety of platforms:
Trial days commercial apprenticeship at DETEC
Would you like to gain an insight into a commercial apprenticeship at the FOCA? If so, we offer interested school leavers an opportunity to spend a trial day.
The next trial day at DETEC will take place on 16.10.2024.
If you are interested, please contact the vocational trainer by e-mail at aysun.cengiz@bazl.admin.ch.
Mediamatics apprenticeship
Mediamatics apprentices spend the first two years at the training centre of BictAG in Ostermundigen, where they receive comprehensive basic training. They then spend the next two years in the Communication section of the FOCA, were they can put everything they have learned into daily practice and intensify their know-how.
Mediamatics apprenticeships are not advertised. Instead, recruitment is carried out directly via BictAG. Other federal authorities (for example, the Federal Office of Communication, OFCOM) already provide mediamatics training from the first year of the apprenticeship. These apprenticeships are publicised on the following website: stelle.admin.ch
Further information
Federal Office of Civil Aviation FOCA
Aysun Cengiz
Vocational trainer