Die Ausbildungen zum Personal der Flugsicherungsdienste müssen bei Ausbildungsanbieterinnen erfolgen, die vom BAZL zertifiziert oder anerkannt wurden.
In der Schweiz bietet einzig Skyguide Ausbildungen für Flugverkehrsleiter/innen, Flugsicherungsfachleute und Flugsicherungstechniker/innen an.
The Federal Office of Civil Aviation (FOCA) is responsible for issuing and renewing licences for air traffic control personnel. Applicants must have completed training at an organisation that has been certified or officially recognised by the FOCA, and also have to possess the necessary medical certificate for the category concerned. In addition, applicants must possess the required language qualifications.
Licences held by foreign ATC personnel will be recognised following consultation with the issuing authority in the country concerned, as long as they meet the specified Swiss requirements.
Further information