In Focus


Microlights eligible to receive a special permit

Which three axis microlights can apply for a special permit to operate in Swiss airspace?

The continuously updated list is a guide to help you assess whether a desired three axis microlight is eligible to receive a special permit.

Swiss civil aviation in 2023

Im Fokus-05

Swiss civil aviation in 2023 in figures

  • The number of scheduled and charter flight movements in 2023 was around a quarter (24%) lower than in 2000.
  • Around 50% more passengers were transported in 2023 compared to 2000. CO2 emissions increased by only around 5% thanks to better technology, more economical aircraft and more efficient flight operations.
  • The number of serious fatal accidents has fallen sharply, thanks to better safety in all areas of civil aviation.

electronic visibility


Survey on electronic visibility in Swiss airspace

The aim of the Future Aviation Surveillance Services and Technologies (FASST-CH) working group is to enable the best possible electronic visibility. To this end, it has created a short survey to obtain information from you about which devices and systems for electronic visibility and collision avoidance are already being used in everyday aviation. We would like to encourage you to take part in this 5-minute survey until september 8.

Measurement flights

Vols de calibrage

Measurement flights in Zürich

Between 26 to 30 August 2024 measurement flights will take place at Zurich Airport to check the navigation systems. The instrument landing systems on runways 14, 16 and 28 will be tested. The measurement flights take place partly in the afternoon and at night, after the end of regular flight operations, until two o'clock in the morning at the latest.

Drone campaign

The air is my realm. Your drone stays at home. - #FlyDronesSafely

#FlyDronesSafely: FOCA information campaign

Switzerland has over 80,000 registered drone operators and the number is growing all the time. Where can I fly my drone? And where not?

The Federal Office of Civil Aviation (FOCA) is today launching its #FlyDronesSafely campaign to remind drone pilots of the rules and raise awareness of the dangers.

Read the press release

The Federal Office of Civil Aviation (FOCA) is responsible for aviation development and the supervision of civil aviation activities in Switzerland. The FOCA is part of the Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications (DETEC) and is charged with ensuring that the high safety standards in civil aviation in Switzerland are maintained, and with pursuing a policy of sustainable development.


Drones and aircraft models

Regulation and up to date information

Sachplan Verkehr, Teil Infrastruktur Luftfahrt (SIL)

Sectoral Aviation Infrastructure Plan (SAIP)

The Sectoral Aviation Infrastructure Plan (SAIP) is the federal government's planning and coordination instrument for civil aviation.



Civil aviation statistics comprise data relating to airports and airlines.

Safety Occurence Reporting_EN

Press releases

Note: Most Press releases are only available in German, French and Italian. Please check the FOCA homepage of these languages.  

Press Releases


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