The FOCA maintains a register of contaminated sites at civil aerodromes in Switzerland in accordance with the Ordinance on the Remediation of Contaminated Sites (Contaminated Sites Ordinance, CSO; SR 814.680).
Sites that are known to be contaminated or are highly likely to be so are recorded in a publicly accessible register. As far as possible, the entries contain information on:
- location;
- type and quantity of waste at the site;
- disposal period, operating period or time of accident;
- investigations and measures already taken to protect the environment;
- established effects;
- endangered environmental areas;
- particular events such as waste incineration, landslides, floods, fires or major accidents.
Such sites must be remediated if they lead to harmful or nuisance effects or if there is a clear risk of such effects.
English is not one of Switzerland's official languages. Please consult this page in German, French or Italian.
The register of contaminated sites is a dynamic working instrument. Information on locations is added, changed or deleted according to current findings. It therefore only ever contains sites that are known to be contaminated; there is no guarantee of accuracy. Measures relating to contaminated sites or waste may become necessary particularly in the case of construction projects or changes in site use.
The information regarding location (as a point or area) or the exact extent of the contaminated site is often only approximate. The location or extent of the site entered in the land register is therefore always subject to a certain degree of uncertainty. In principle, the extent of landfill sites is better known than that of industrial or accident sites, and in general, the greater the scope of an investigation, the greater the accuracy with which the site is mapped.
Further Information
Federal Office of Civil Aviation FOCA
Florian Parvex
3003 Bern
Tel: +41 58 465 53 32