Safety zones / Obstacle limitation surfaces

Safety zone plan

A safety zone must be determined for each airport to protect the airspace from obstacles. The FOCA decides on a case-by-case basis at the request of the air navigation services provider whether a safety zone is also required for certain air navigation facilities and flight paths. Safety zones are based on information from the obstacle limitation surface cadastre. The safety zone is mapped in a zone plan showing restrictions on ownership by area and height. The approved safety zone plans constitute a restriction on ownership under public law. They thus form part of the public-law restrictions cadastre (PLR-cadastre).

Authorisations for air navigation obstacles are issued on the basis of the safety zone plan under the Aviation Infrastructure Ordinance (Art. 63 let. c). Buildings, installations and plants are deemed to be obstacles if they penetrate an area mapped in the safety zone plan. The owners of such objects must have them authorised by the FOCA:

Obstacle limitation surface cadastre

An obstacle limitation surface cadastre (OLS cadastre) is an official record of the obstacle limitation surfaces for an aerodrome, an air traffic control facility or a flight path. Aerodrome operators are responsible for drawing up, periodically reviewing and updating the OLS cadastre, with a maximum review interval of five years for IFR aerodromes and ten years for VFR aerodromes. The cantons and communes must take account of a FOCA-approved OLS cadastre in their structure and land-use plans.

Along with the safety zone plan, the OLS cadastre provides the basis for authorising air navigation obstacles under the Aviation Infrastructure Ordinance (Art. 63 let. c). Buildings, installations and plants are deemed to be obstacles if they penetrate an area mapped in the OLS cadastre. The owners of such objects must have them authorised by the FOCA:

Last modification 10.04.2024

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Federal Office of Civil Aviation FOCA

Daniel Born
3003 Bern

Tel. +41 58 464 84 98

Michael Müntener
3003 Bern

Tel. +41 58 466 30 62

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