

What certificate do I need?

No certificate is required to fly drones under 250g. Nevertheless, it is strongly recommended to complete at least the A1/A3 training. For all people flying drones over 250g, a certificate is mandatory. The amount of training and testing depends on the subcategory (A1, A2, A3) in which the drone is flown. More information can be found in the open category.

Overview of the certificates

Summary and dependencies of the certificates (STS certificates will only be available in Switzerland from 2024 onwards)
  • A1/A3: Persons who want to operate a drone in subcategory A1 or A3 need the A1/A3 certificate for this. The training and as well as the exam for the A1/A3 certificate of competence can be completed from home via UAS.gate.
  • A2: People who want to operate a drone in the subcategory A2 need the A2 certificate for this. Anyone wishing to take a remote pilot certificate (A2) must first pass the certificate of competence exam (A1/A3). For the A2 exam, additional learning content must be learned, as well as a practical training course completed independently. The remote pilot knowledge acquired through self-study is then self-declared in UAS.gate. The A2 examination itself is a written multiple-choice examination, which is taken at the FOCA examination locations in 3063 Ittigen.
  • STS: A theory exam for remote pilots that intend to fly according to an STS is available via UAS Gate and provided by FOCA. More information about STS theory exam content and about the practical assessment can be found under specific categeory european standard scenarios. Please note that in order to fly according to the STS an authorization is still necessary.

More information about the certificates

Failing an exam
To pass the exams, you must answer at least 75% of the exam questions correctly. If you fail the exam, you can currently retake it as many times as necessary free of charge. The exam results cannot be viewed.

Validity of the certificates
The certificates are valid in all countries where the EU drone regulation applies. After 5 years (expiration of the certificate) the acquired theoretical knowledge must be renewed. The exact procedure of this process will be communicated to you promptly before the expiration of your certificate.

Carry certificates
You must always be able to show the certificate when flying. The format does not matter - you can carry the certificate digitally or print it out.

Information on A2 and STS drone exam on site

The A2 and STS exams, which are conducted on site, can now be taken at 3 diffenrent locations in Switzerland. The existing Ittigen site will be joined by Speck airfield in Fehraltorf and La Blécherette airfield in Lausanne.

Details of the individual locations:


The examinations are held in the FOCA building. The entrance to the examination centre is on the side of the building, see map below. Regarding the car park situation, you will find the relevant information here: FOCA site location

Exam dates Ittigen:

07.08.2024 / 05.09.2024 / 09.10.2024 / 12.11.2024 / 04.12.2024

IMPORTANT: Please check that you have registered for the desired location!

Sitemap Ittigen


The tests take place at the aerodrome of Lausanne-Blécherette. There are plenty of parking spaces available. You can find more information here: La Blécherette

Exam dates Lausanne:

29.10.2024 / 27.11.2024

IMPORTANT: Please check that you have registered for the desired location!

Sitemap Lausanne


The exams take place at the Speck course. From Fehraltorf railway station it is about a 10-minute walk. There are plenty of parking spaces available. You can find more information here: Fluglatz Speck

Exam dates Fehraltorf:

21.08.2024 / 08.10.2024 / 03.12.2024

IMPORTANT: Please check that you have registered for the desired location!


Sitemap Fehraltorf

Do you have any further questions about the certificates?

Please refer to the FAQs.


Last modification 25.07.2024

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