Transitional category

Every drone operated in the open category must bear a class identification label (C0, C1, C2, C3, C4). Drones without class identification labels fall into a transitional category. Slightly different rules apply in this category.

Transitional provisions for drones without class markings

The first drones with a class identification label are available since the end of 2022. There products will meet the current requirements and can be used without restriction.

Rules for drones without class identification labels

The regulations for drones with a class identification label also apply in principle to drones without a class identification label. The only difference is that drones without a class identification label are classified into subcategories based on their weight and not on the class identification label. They can be flown under the rules of the transitional category, which become more restrictive over time:

Rules since January 2024
Weight Certificate Operation according to
<250g Not required A1
<25kg A1/A3 A3

Further Information

Last modification 10.05.2024

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