FOCA dLogbook


With the digital flight logbook "FOCA dLogbook", license holders (powered flight, gliding, helicopter and balloon) now have the possibility to record their flying activities in digital form and - after manual approval - to transmit them electronically to the FOCA at the push of a button. Pilots are thus released from the obligation to keep a record in paper form. 

FOCA dLogbook- the digital flight logbook

The digital flight logbook FOCA dLogbook contains numerous useful functionalities. For example, the entry of flight data, the evaluation of flight hours, the overview of recency, the insertion of signatures and the creation of application forms is easy. An application for the extension of the SEP (land) can be created within a few minutes and without validation by an airfield manager and sent directly to the license office. In addition to the ease of use, transmission errors are virtually eliminated. Last but not least, copying the flight log and sending it by mail to the FOCA is no longer necessary. In addition, further functionalities for the creation of statistics, synchronization with booking files etc. can be purchased.

dLogbook - the costs

The FOCA dLogbook subscription can be purchased for one year (CHF 15.-) or for three months (CHF 5.-) by credit card payment. Those who would like to get to know the dLogbook without obligation can buy a free trial subscription for one month. Those who prefer the paper form can still record their flying activities in the usual flight logbook. 

Further information

Haben Sie das neue dLogbook (digitales Flugbuch) des BAZL schon getestet?

Have you already tested the new dLogbook (digital flight log) of the FOCA?

Take out a free trial subscription for one month today to discover the benefits and numerous functions of the dLogbook.

Approved flight logs:

-BAZL dLog