The ongoing digitalisation of processes in the licence application and examinations system offers numerous advantages for both prospective and existing pilots, air traffic controllers, UAS operators and for existing maintenance personnel. Here we present the digital licence application system.
dLIS – digital licence application system
The dLIS project is currently in the design phase and will enter the development phase in January 2024. dLIS will offer licence holders in the following areas the opportunity to submit their applications to the FOCA in digital form via their user account.
- Pilots (FCL)
- Maintenance personnel (AML)
- Air traffic control officers (ATCO/SRT)
- Operators of unmanned aircraft systems (UASs)
- UAS-related organisations
The various applications are processed in workflows and checked for completeness. Furthermore, it will soon be possible to book and pay for courses and written examinations directly online.
The concept phase of dLIS has been completed. The agile development of the software will start in January 2024.
dExam – digital theory exam
In the past, Tippex and an eraser were part of the theoretical exam, as well as the grid that the examiner used to check that the correct boxes had been ticked. Although the exams were marked and the results issued quite quickly, all documents had to be entered into the system manually. Today, everything is digitalised from beginning to end – with dExam. In future, the registration and payment process will also be digitalised via an interface to dLIS, and flight schools will be given access to examination results.
dLOG – recognised digital logbooks
An interface between dLIS and flight logbook providers is currently being developed. Once dLIS is up and running, pilots who use a flight logbook recognised by the FOCA will be able to upload their flight logbook data directly to their dLIS account via an interface and link it to their applications.
EPL – digital licence
EPL stands for Electronic Personnel Licence. The EU legal framework does not yet permit electronic licences to be issued. The rulemaking task RMT.0737 has been set up to establish the requirements for implementing the ICAO standards and recommendations (SARP) in the EU. The FOCA is represented in the rulemaking working group. It is expected that the associated legislation will be amended in the fourth quarter of 2025.
Last modification 21.12.2023