Microlights entitled to fly in Switzerland

Foreign microlight aircraft which are approved under LTF-UL or BCAR-S which may apply for a special permit to fly into Swiss airspace.

Ausländische Ultraleichtflugzeuge, die nach LTF-UL oder BCAR-S zugelassen sind und für den Flug in den Schweizer Luftraum eine Sondergenehmigung beantragen können.

Les ULM étrangers sont homologués selon LTF-UL ou BCAR-S peuvent demander une autorisation spéciale pour voler dans l'espace aérien suisse.

Aerei ultraleggeri stranieri sono omologati secondo LTF-UL o BCAR-S che possono richiedere un permesso speciale per volare nello spazio aereo svizzero.

Relevant Aeronautical Information Circular (AIC) published by Skyguide swiss air navigation services ltd

AIC 003/2022 A (in English) or

AIC 004/2022 B (in German, French and Italian)

Further information and the online form for applying for a special permit can be found HERE.

Weitere Informationen und das online-Formular zur Beantragung einer Sonderbewilligung können HIER gefunden werden.

De plus amples informations et le formulaire en ligne pour demander un permis spécial sont disponibles ICI.

Ulteriori informazioni e il modulo online per richiedere il permesso speciale si trovano QUI.

Rettungssysteme / Systèmes de sauvetage / Sistemi di salvataggio / Rescue systems

Important information for emergency services organizations
The ultralight aircraft (ULs) listed in the list below are normally equipped with a rescue system. Such rescue systems are also known as "Ballistic Recovery System" (BRS).

Further information can be found HERE.

Wichtige Information für Blaulichtorganisationen
Die in der untenstehenden Liste aufgeführten Ultraleichtflugzeuge (ULs) sind im Normalfall mit einem Rettungssystem ausgerüstet.  Solche Rettungssysteme sind auch als "Ballistic Recovery System" (BRS) bekannt.

Weitere Informationen können HIER gefunden werden.

Informations importantes pour les organismes de secours
Les avions ultralégers (UL) répertoriés dans la liste ci-dessous sont normalement équipés d'un système de sauvetage. De tels systèmes de sauvetage sont également connus sous le nom de "Ballistic Recovery System" (BRS).

De plus amples informations peuvent être trouvées ICI.

Informazioni importanti per le organizzazioni di soccorso
Gli aerei ultraleggeri (UL) elencati nell'elenco seguente sono normalmente dotati di un sistema di salvataggio. Tali sistemi di salvataggio sono noti anche come "Ballistic Recovery System" (BRS).

Ulteriori informazioni possono essere trovate QUI.

Text in bold in the list below: Microlight aircraft with electric propulsion


Last update: 25 October 2024

Microlights entitled to fly in Switzerland
Manufacturer Type TCDS Certification Basis
Aeroprakt Ltd. A22 L DULV 600/05-12 1
DULV 600/05-12 2
DULV 600/05-12 3
LTF-UL 2003
Aeroprakt Ltd. A22 LS DULV 991-22 1
DULV 991-22 2
LTF-UL 2019
Aeroprakt Ltd. A22 L2 DULV 799-10 1
DULV 799-10 2
DULV 799-10 3
DULV 799-10 4
LTF-UL 2003
Aeroprakt Ltd. A32 DULV 977-21 1
DULV 977-21 2
DULV 978-21 1
DULV 978-21 2
DULV 986-21 1
LTF-UL 2019
Aeroprakt Ltd. A32 L Aeroprakt DULV 956-17 1
DULV 956-17 2
DULV 971-20 1
LTF-UL 2003
Direct Fly s.r.o Alto 912 TG DAeC 61227 LTF-UL 2003 & CZ ULL 09/2008 UL-2 Teil 1
Direct Fly s.r.o. ALTO NG DULV 1011-24 1 LTF-UL 2020
Wezel Flugtechnik APIS 2 DAeC 61190.1 BFU 10/95 & LTF-UL 2003
Fritz Mürkens ASSO V
ASSO V-472
DAeC 61197 BFU 10/95 & LTF-UL
ATEC v. o. s. ATEC 321 Faeta DULV 632/06-08 1
DULV 632/06-08 2
DULV 632/06-08 3
DULV 632/06-08 4
DULV 632/06-08 5
LTF-UL 2003
ATEC v. o. s. ATEC 321 Faeta NG DULV 976-20 1
DULV 976-20 2
DULV 976-20 3
DULV 976-20 4
DULV 976-20 5
LTF-UL 2019
Aveko s.r.o. AVEKO VL-3 B3 DAeC 61214 LTF-UL 2003
JMB Aircraft s.r.o. AVEKO VL-3 E
DAeC 61214.1 LTF-UL 2003
Fa. Pro Fe Banjo MH DAeC 61198 UL2 (1999) & LTF-UL 2003
Micro Aviation (NZ) Limited BANTAM B22S
CAA NZ A-13 BCAR Section S
AMS-Flight, d.o.o. BEE 15 MB DAeC 61202 LTF-UL 2003
PIPISTREL d.o.o. BEE 15 MB DAeC 61202.1 LTF-UL 2003
Smartaero SIA Juris Libmanis Belmont DW200 DULV 999-23 1
DULV 999-23 2
LTF-UL 2020
Smartaero SIA Juris Libmanis Belmont DW210 RG DULV 1005-23 1
DULV 1005-23 2
LTF-UL 2020
B&F Technik Vertriebs GmbH BF 139 DAeC 66102 LTF-UL 2019
Breezer Aircraft GmbH & Co.KG Breezer DAeC 61178 BFU 10/95 & LTF-UL 2003
Breezer Aircraft GmbH & Co.KG Breezer C DAeC 61178.1 BFU 10/95 & LTF-UL 2003
Breezer Aircraft GmbH & Co.KG Breezer CL DAeC 61178.2 BFU 10/95 & LTF-UL 2003
Breezer Aircraft GmbH & Co.KG Breezer CR DAeC 61178.3 BFU 10/95 & LTF-UL 2003
Breezer Aircraft GmbH & Co.KG Breezer 600 DAeC 61178.4 BFU 10/95 & LTF-UL 2003
Michael Nuhn Breezer C-MN DAeC 66261 LTF-UL 2020
Breezer Aircraft GmbH & Co.KG Breezer B400-6
Breezer B400-6-915
DAeC 66178 LTF-UL 2019
Breezer Aircraft GmbH & Co.KG Breezer Sport DAeC 66250 LTF-UL 2019
Breezer Aircraft GmbH & Co.KG Breezer Sport DULV 981-21 1
DULV 981-21 2
LTF-UL 2019
BRM AERO S.R.O. Bristell DULV 809-12 1
DULV 809-12 2
DULV 809-12 3
DULV 809-12 4
DULV 809-12 5
LTF-UL 2003
DAeC 66253 LTF-UL 2019
BLACKWING Sweden AB BW 600FG DULV 960-18 1
LTF-UL 2003

BW 600RG DULV 960-18 2 LTF-UL 2003
BLACKWING Sweden AB BW 600FG DULV 960-18 3 LTF-UL 2019
BLACKWING Sweden AB BW 600RG DULV 960-18 4 LTF-UL 2019
BLACKWING Sweden AB BW 600RG DULV 960-18 5 LTF-UL 2019
BLACKWING Sweden AB BW 600FG DULV 960-18 6 LTF-UL 2019
BLACKWING Sweden AB BW 600RG DULV 960-18 7 LTF-UL 2019
BLACKWING Sweden AB BW 635RG DULV 960-18 8 LTF-UL 2019
BLACKWING Sweden AB BW 635FG DULV 960-18 9 LTF-UL 2019
BLACKWING Sweden AB BW 600RG DULV 960-18 10 LTF-UL 2019
BLACKWING Sweden AB BW 635RG DULV 960-18 11 LTF-UL 2019
BLACKWING Sweden AB BW 635FG DULV 960-18 12 LTF-UL 2019
FLYSYNTHESIS Srl Catalina NG DAeC 61228 LTF-UL 2003
Rainer Hückel CHICO DAeC 61245 LTF-UL 2003
Corvus Aerospace Suzhou Co. Ltd. CR-312-UL DULV 942-15 1 LTF-UL 2003
Flight Design GmbH CT 2K DAeC 51151.1 BFU 10/95 & LTF-UL 2003
Flight Design GmbH general aviation GmbH CT LS
DAeC 61151.4 BFU 10/95 & LTF-UL 2003
Flight Design GmbH CT SW
CT SW 2006
DAeC 61151.2 BFU 10/95 & LTF-UL 2003
Flight Design general aviation GmbH CTLS-600
DAeC 66151.4 LTF-UL 2019
Flight Design general aviation GmbH CT Supra Light
CT Supra Light iS
CT Supra Light Turbo
DAeC 61151.5 BFU 10/95 & LTF-UL 2003
ELA service Limied D4 Fascination BK DAeC 61142.1 BFU 10/95 & LTF-UL 2003
Aeroplanes DAR Ltd. DAR Solo UL DULV 944-15 1
DULV 944-15 2
LTF-UL 2003
Fa. Pro Fe Duo Banjo DULV 807-11 1 LTF-UL 2003
DOVA AIRCRAFT, s.r.o. DV-1 Skylark DULV 674-07 1
DULV 674-07 2
DULV 674-07 3
LTF-UL 2003
Aerospool, s.r.o. Dynamic WT 9 DAeC 61179 BFU 10/95 & LTF-UL 2003
Yuneec International (China) Co., Ltd E-Spyder DULV 830-13 1
DULV 830-13 2
LTF-UL 2003
P.P.H.U "Ekolot" Slowik Malgorzata Ekolot JK-05 DULV 714-08 1 LTF-UL 2003
P.P.H.U "Ekolot" Slowik Malgorzata Ekolot Topaz DULV 924-13 1
DULV 924-13 2
LTF-UL 2003
Elektra Solar GmbH Elektra Trainer DULV E898-23 1 LTF-UL 2020
ellipse aero s.r.o. Ellipse Spirit DULV 938-14 1 LTF-UL 2003
ellipse aero s.r.o. Ellipse Spirit DULV 972-20 1
DULV 972-20 2
DULV 972-20 3
LTF-UL 2019
ellipse aero s.r.o. Ellipse Spirit RG DULV 945-15 1 LTF-UL 2003
Arsi Aktiebolag Esqual VM 1 C DAeC 61237 LTF-UL 2003
Aeropro s.r.o. Eurofox Basic
Eurofox Pro
Eurofox Modell 99
Eurofox Space
DAeC 61139 BFU 10/95 & LTF-UL 2003
Aeropro s.r.o. Peter Toncek Eurofox DULV 1002-23 1
DULV 1002-23 2
LTF-UL 2020
Aeropro s.r.o. Peter Toncek

Eurofox Spornrad DULV 1010-24 1
DULV 1010-24 2
LTF-UL 2020
Evektor - Aerotechnik a.s. EUROSTAR EV 97 Modell 2000 DAeC 61155.3 BFU 10/95 & LTF-UL 2003
Evektor - Aerotechnik a.s. EUROSTAR EV 97 Modell 2000 Version R DAeC 61155.4 BFU 10/95 & LTF-UL 2003
Evektor - Aerotechnik a.s. EUROSTAR EV 97 Modell SL DAeC 61155.5 BFU 10/95 & LTF-UL 2003
Evektor - Aerotechnik a.s. EUROSTAR EV 97 Modell SLW DAeC 61155.6 BFU 10/95 & LTF-UL 2003
FSZ Bautzen GmbH & Co. Produktion und Service KG EUROSTAR EV 97 Modell SLW-Sport DAeC 61155.7 BFU 10/95 & LTF-UL 2003
FSZ Bautzen GmbH & Co. Produktion und Service KG Eurostar SLW Sport DAeC 66155.7 LTF-UL 2019
Evektor - Aerotechnik a.s. EV 97 Eurostar 2000/R - 525
EV 97 Eurostar 2000/R - 540
DAeC 66155.4 LTF-UL 2019
Evektor - Aerotechnik a.s. EV 97 Eurostar SLW DAeC 66155.6 LTF-UL 2019
Evektor - Aerotechnik a.s. EV 97 Eurostar SLX 525
EV 97 Eurostar SLX 540
DAeC 66155.5 LTF-UL 2019
Fascination a.s. F-100 DULV 769-10 1 LTF-UL 2003
Golden Car S.p.a. F30 Brio FG DAeC 61217 LTF-UL 2003
Fläming AIR GmbH FA 01 Smaragd 100
FA 01 Smaragd J
FA 01 Smaragd 80
DAeC 61192 BFU 10/95 & LTF-UL 2003
Fläming AIR GmbH FA 01 Smaragd 100 K
FA 01 Smaragd J K
FA 01 Smaragd 80 K
DAeC 61192.1 LTF-UL 2003
Fläming AIR GmbH FA 01 Peregrine SL 100
FA 01 Peregrine SL J
FA 01 Peregrine SL 80
DAeC 61192.4 LTF-UL 2003
Bücker & Funk Luftfahrttechnik GmbH FK 131 A Jungmann DAeC 61248 LTF-UL 2003
B&F Technik Vertriebs GmbH FK 9 MK 3
FK 9 MK 3 Utility
FK 9 MK 3 Shortwing
DAeC 61102.1 BFU 10/84 & BFU 10/95 & LTF-UL 2003
B&F Technik Vertriebs GmbH FK 9 MK IV
DAeC 61102.2 BFU 10/84 & BFU 10/95 & LTF-UL 2003
B&F Technik Vertriebs GmbH FK 9 MK VI DAeC 66102 LTF-UL 2019
B&F Technik Vertriebs GmbH FK 9 MK 3 SW
FK 9 MK 3 SW Utility
DAeC 66102.1 LTF-UL 2019
B&F Technik Vertriebs GmbH FK 9 MK IV SW
FK 9 MK IV SW Utility
DAeC 66102.2 LTF-UL 2019
B&F Technik Vertriebs GmbH FK 9 MK V DAeC 66102.5 LTF-UL 2019
B&F Technik Vertriebs GmbH FK 12
FK 12 S
DAeC 61158 BFU 10/95 & LTF-UL 2003
B&F Technik Vertriebs GmbH FK 12 S2 DAeC 61158.4 BFU 10/95 & LTF-UL 2003
Flywhale Aircraft GmbH Flywhale FW02 Adventure iS Sport DAeC 61240 LTF-UL 2003
UNIPLANES GmbH Flywhale FW 02-650 DAeC 66240 LTF-UL 2019
Carbon Design s.r.o. FM 250 Vampire II DAeC 61224 LTF-UL 2003
Carbon Design s.r.o. FM 250 Vampire 600 DAeC 66262 ULL 06/2022 & LTF-UL 2019
DULV 931-14 2
LTF-UL 2003
PROMECC AEROSPACE S.R.L. Freccia DULV 931-14 3 LTF-UL 2020
G1 Aviation Serge Present G1-D600 DULV 996-23 1 LTF-UL 2020
Ing. Nando Groppo S.r.l. G70 DULV 957-18 1
DULV 957-18 2
LTF-UL 2003
Ing. Nando Groppo S.r.l.

G70 DULV 957-18 3
DULV 957-18 4
DULV 957-18 5
DULV 957-18 6
DULV 957-18 7
DULV 957-18 8
DULV 957-18 9
DULV 957-18 10
DULV 957-18 11
DULV 957-18 12
DULV 957-18 13
LTF-UL 2019
Comco Ikarus GmbH Ikarus C 42
Ikarus C 42 A
DAeC 61141 BFU 10/95 & LTF-UL 2003
Comco Ikarus GmbH Ikarus C 42 A DAeC 66141 LTF-UL 2019
Comco Ikarus GmbH Ikarus C 42 B DAeC 61141.1 BFU 10/95 & LTF-UL 2003
Comco Ikarus GmbH Ikarus C 42 B
Ikarus C 42 B Turbo
DAeC 66141.1 LTF-UL 2019
Comco Ikarus GmbH Ikarus C 42 C DAeC 61141.5 LTF-UL 2003
Comco Ikarus GmbH Ikarus C 42 CS DAeC 61141.7 LTF-UL 2003
Comco Ikarus GmbH Ikarus C 42 C
Ikarus C 42 C Turbo
Ikarus C 42 CS
DAeC 66141.7 LTF-UL 2019
Comco Ikarus GmbH Ikarus C 42 E DAeC 61141.6 BFU 10/95 & LTF-UL 2003
XtremeAir GmbH Impulse 100 DAeC 61184 BFU 10/95 & LTF-UL 2003
XtremeAir GmbH Impulse TD 2200 DAeC 61184.1 BFU 10/95 & LTF-UL 2003
XtremeAir GmbH Impulse TD 3300 DAeC 61184.2 BFU 10/95 & LTF-UL 2003
ZALL JIHLAVAN airplanes, s.r.o. JA 400 Skyleader 400 DAeC 66255 ULL 01/2017 & LTF-UL 2019
ZALL JIHLAVAN airplanes, s.r.o. JA 600 Skyleader 600 DAeC 66256 UL-2 Teil 1 (2019) & LTF-UL 2019
Jabiru Aircraft Pty. Ltd. Jabiru UL 450 C DULV 592/05-8 1 LTF-UL 2003
Junkers Flugzeugwerke GmbH Junkers A50 Junior DULV 992-22 1
DULV 992-22 2
DULV 992-22 3
DULV 992-22 4
LTF-UL 2020
Kitplanes for Africa (Pty) Ltd. Stefan Coetzee KFA Explorer UL 600 DULV 968-19 1
DULV 968-19 2
DULV 968-19 3
DULV 968-19 4
DULV 968-19 5
DULV 968-19 6
LTF-UL 2019
Kitplanes for Africa (Pty) Ltd. Stefan Coetzee KFA Explorer UL 600 Bugrad DULV 1009-24 1
DULV 1009-24 2
DULV 1009-24 3
DULV 1009-24 4
DULV 1009-24 5
DULV 1009-24 6
LTF-UL 2019
Michael Platzer oder Lizenzbauer Kiebitz - B 5
Kiebitz - B 6
Kiebitz - B 8
Kiebitz - B 9
Kiebitz - B 10
Kiebitz - B 11
Kiebitz - B 12
Kiebitz - B 13
Kiebitz - B 15
DAeC 61037.2 BFU 10/84 & LTF-UL 2003
JIHLAVAN airplanes s.r.o. KP-2U Skyleader 150
KP-2U Skyleader 200
DAeC 61175.2 UL2 (2006) & LTF-UL 2003
Aeropilot s.r.o. Legend 600 DAeC 66254 ULL 01/2021 & LTF-UL 2019
Aeropilot s.r.o. Legend 600 NG DAeC 66266 ULL 01/2021 & LTF-UL 2019
Orličan s.r.o M8 Eagle DULV 1007-23 1
DULV 1007-23 2
LTF-UL 2020
Magnus Aircraft Zrt. Magnus Fusion 212 DULV 975-20 1 LTF-UL 2019
Magnus Aircraft Rt. Magnus Fusion MG-11 DULV 937-14 1
DULV 937-14 2
DULV 937-14 3
LTF-UL 2003
Sebastian Schwärzer Maverick PA DULV 772-10 1
DULV 772-10 2
LTF-UL 2003
Dyn'Aero (inactive)
MCR Ultralight DAeC 61207 LTF-UL 2003
FLYITALIA S.r.l MD-3 Rider DAeC 61211 UL2 (2006) & LTF-UL 2003
Eurocharter s.r.l. NEXT aircraft MD-3 Rider DAeC 61211.1 UL2 (2006) & LTF-UL 2003
Peter Raach Me 108 Taifun DAeC 61205 LTF-UL 2003
Stephan Lampert Me 108 Taifun DAeC 61233 LTF-UL 2003
TechProAviation s.r.o. Merlin 103 DULV 962-18 1 LTF-UL 2003
Flugschule Lorenzen GmbH&Co.KG Millenium Master DAeC 61230 LTF-UL 2003
I.C.P. srl MXP-740 V "Savannah"
MXP-740 V
MXP-740 V/S
DAeC 61170 BFU 10/95 & LTF-UL 2003
I.C.P. srl MXP-740 V "Savannah"
MXP-740 V Savannah S
MXP-740 V Savannah XL
MXP-740 V Savannah S Taildragger
DAeC 61170.1 LTF-UL 2003
I.C.P. srl MXP-740 V "Savannah"
MXP-740 VG
DAeC 61170.2 BFU 10/95 & LTF-UL 2003
Helmut Rind NEMESIS N1 UL DAeC 21213 LTF-UL 2003
AERO&TECH Nexth DULV 958-18 1 LTF-UL 2003
Dr. Eberhard Bugiel P 130 UL bu DAeC 61231 LTF-UL 2003
Costruzioni Aeronautiche Tecnam s.r.l P 92 Echo DULV 577/04-10 1
DULV 577/04-10 2
LTF-UL 2003
Costruzioni Aeronautiche Tecnam s.r.l P 92 Echo Classic / Deluxe / Light DULV 802/10-1 1
DULV 802/10-1 2
DULV 802/10-1 3
DULV 802/10-4
DULV 802/10-5
LTF-UL 2003
Costruzioni Aeronautiche Tecnam s.r.l P 92 Echo MKII DULV 974-20 1
DULV 974-20 2
DULV 974-20 3
LTF-UL 2019
Costruzioni Aeronautiche Tecnam s.r.l P 92 Echo MKII L DULV 979-21 1 LTF-UL 2019
Costruzioni Aeronautiche Tecnam s.r.l P 92 "Echo" S 100 DAeC 61138.1 BFU 10/95 & LTF-UL 2003
Costruzioni Aeronautiche Tecnam s.r.l P 92 "Echo" 2000 S DAeC 61138.2 BFU 10/95 & LTF-UL 2003
Costruzioni Aeronautiche Tecnam s.r.l P 92 Echo SW / SW Light DULV 802/14-1 1
DULV 802/14-1 2
DULV 802/14-1 3
DULV 802/14-1 4
DULV 802/14-1 5
LTF-UL 2003
Costruzioni Aeronautiche Tecnam s.r.l. P 96 Golf S 100 DAeC 61157.1 BFU 10/95 & LTF-UL 2003
Costruzioni Aeronautiche Tecnam s.r.l P2002 Sierra MKII DULV 967-19 1 LTF-UL 2019
Alpi Aviation S.R.L. Pioneer 200 DULV 590/05-1 1
DULV 590/05-1 2
DULV 590/05-1 5
LTF-UL 2003
Alpi Aviation S.R.L. Pioneer 200 DAeC 66235 LTF-UL 2019
Alpi Aviation S.R.L. Pioneer 200 UL DAeC 61235 BFR 10/95 & LTF-UL 2003
Alpi Aviation S.R.L. Pioneer 300
Pioneer 300 Griffon
DAeC 66187 LTF-UL 2019
Alpi Aviation S.R.L. Pioneer 300 UL
Pioneer 300 KITE
DAeC 61187 BFU 10/95 & LTF-UL 2003
Alpi Aviation S.R.L. Pioneer 300 UL
Pioneer 300 KITE
DAeC 61187.1 BFU 10/95 & LTF-UL 2003
B & F Technik Speyer Polaris FK 14 A
DAeC 61177 BFU 10/95 & LTF-UL 2003
B & F Technik Speyer Polaris FK 14 B
Polaris FK 14 B2
Polaris FK 14 B/B2 "Le Mans"
Polaris FK 14 B/B2 "Short Wing"
DAeC 61177.1 BFU 10/95 & LTF-UL 2003
GM&T International SRL Pretty Flight Mikron DAeC 61159.1 LTF-UL 2003
Blackshape S.p.A. Prime BS100 DULV 883-12 1
DULV 883-12 2
LTF-UL 2003
Blackshape S.p.A. Prime BS100 DULV 883-12 3 LTF-UL 2019
Hans Schaller RANS S6 HS 116 Speed Wing Bugfahrwerk DULV 952-17 1
DULV 952-17 2
LTF-UL 2003
Hans Schaller RANS S6 HS 116 Speed Wing Spornfahrwerk DULV 953-17 1
DULV 953-17 2
LTF-UL 2003
Hans Schaller RANS S6 HS Bugfahrwerk Sport DULV 933-14 1
DULV 933-14 2
LTF-UL 2003
Hans Schaller RANS S6 HS Bugfahrwerk Standard DULV 932-14 1
DULV 932-14 2
LTF-UL 2003
Hans Schaller RANS S6 HS Spornfahrwerk Standard DULV 934-14 1
DULV 934-14 2
LTF-UL 2003
Hans Schaller RANS S6 HS Spornfahrwerk Sport DULV 936-14 1
DULV 936-14 2
LTF-UL 2003
JIHLAVAN airplanes s.r.o. Rapid 200 DAeC 61175.1 UL2 (2006) & LTF-UL 2003
Weller Flugzeugbau Roman Weller Rebell DULV 1001-23 1 LTF-UL 2020
REMOS Aircraft GmbH Flugzeugbau REMOS G-3 Mirage
REMOS G-3/600
DAeC 61109.1 BFU 10/84 & BFU 1095 & LTF-UL 2003
DAeC 61109.3 LTF-UL 2003
DAeC 66109.3 LTF-UL 2019
Murphy Aircraft Renegade 472 DULV 658-07 1
DULV 658-07 2
LTF-UL 2003
Porto Aviation Group Alberto Porto Risen DULV 973-20 1
DULV 973-20 2
LTF-UL 2019
Rokospol Aviation s.r.o. Roko NG6 UL DULV 941-15 1
DULV 941-15 2
DULV 941-15 3
LTF-UL 2003
Planeworx RV-4/600R DAeC 66265 LTF-UL 2019
RANS Designs, Inc. S-6 "Coyote II"
S-6 ES "Dacron"
S-6 S "Ceconite"
DAeC 61106 BFU 10/84 & LTF-UL 2003
Zlin Aviation s.r.o. Savage Classic
Savage Cruiser
Savage CUB
Savage Bobber
DAeC 61200 LTF-UL 2003
I.C.P.Srl Savannah SR DAeC 66170 LTF-UL 2019
SPACEK s.r.o. SD-1 Minisport Bugrad DULV 927-13 1
DULV 927-13 2
DULV 927-13 3
DULV 927-13 4
LTF-UL 2003
SPACEK s.r.o. SD-1 Minisport Spornrad DULV 918-13 1
DULV 918-13 2
DULV 918-13 3
DULV 918-13 4
DULV 918-13 6
DULV 918-13 7
DULV 918-13 8
LTF-UL 2003
SPACEK s.r.o. SD-2 SportMaster DULV 1006-23 1 LTF-UL 2019
Tomark spol s.r.o. SD 4 Viper DAeC 61220 LTF-UL 2003
Tomark spol s.r.o. SD 4 Viper DAeC 66220 LTF-UL 2019
Scheibe Flugzeugbau GmbH SF 40 C DAeC 61111.1 BFU 10/95 & LTF-UL 2003
Shark Aero CZ s.r.o. Shark DAeC 61226 LTF-UL 2003
SHARK AERO s.r.o. SHARK 600 DULV 989-22 1 LTF-UL 2020
Lanitz-Prena Folien Factory GmbH Sherewood Ranger DS DAeC 61229 LTF-UL 2003
AERO-EAST-EUROPE d.o.o. SILA 450 C DAeC 61225 LTF-UL 2003
ALISPORT s.r.l. Silent 2 DAeC 61156.2 LTF-UL 2003
ALISPORT s.r.l. Silent 2 Targa DAeC 61156.3 LTF-UL 2003
ALISPORT s.r.l. Silent 2 Electro DAeC 61156.4 LTF-UL 2003
Pipistrel d.o.o. Ajdovščina Sinus DULV 573/04-05 1
DULV 573/04-05 2
LTF-UL 2003
Pipistrel d.o.o. Ajdovščina Sinus NW DULV 679-07 1 LTF-UL 2003
Air Lony Skylane DULV 788-10 1
DULV 788-10 2
DULV 788-10 3
DULV 788-10 4
DULV 788-10 5
LTF-UL 2003
Air Lony Skylane V5 (C100) DULV 948-16 1 LTF-UL 2003
ZALL JIHLAVAN airplanes s.r.o. Skyleader JA-400 DAeC 61249 LTF-UL 2003
Flylight Airsports Ltd SkyRanger BM-91 BCAR Section S
Volksflugzeug GmbH Sky Ranger DULV 560/04-1 2
DULV 560/04-1 3
DULV 560/04-1 4
LTF-UL 2003
Volksflugzeug GmbH Sky Ranger Nynja DULV 949-16 1
DULV 949-16 2
DULV 949-16 3
DULV 949-16 4
LTF-UL 2003
Volksflugzeug GmbH Sky Ranger SW DAeC 61223 LTF-UL 2003
B.O.T. Aircraft GmbH Speed Cruiser SC 07 DAeC 61212 LTF-UL 2003
Ultralight Concept srl Stampe SV4-RS DAeC 61247 LTF-UL 2003
Ultralight Concept srl Stampe SV4-RS DAeC 66247 LTF-UL 2019
Storch 912 HS
DAeC 61201 LTF-UL 2003
HFL Flugzeugbau GmbH STRATOS 300
DAeC 61045 BFU 10/84 & LTF-UL 2020
HFL Flugzeugbau GmbH STRATOS II e DAeC 61036 BFU 10/84 & LTF-UL 2003
TL-Ultralight s.r.o. Stream DULV 990-22 1 LTF-UL 2020
Leichtflugzeuge Huber GmbH Thomas Huber Superstol JA35 DULV 980-21 1 LTF-UL 2019
THK Ucak Imalat San. Tic. A.S. T19A Speedfire DAeC 61230.1 LTF-UL 2003
Pipistrel d.o.o. Ajdovščina Taurus DULV 716-08 1 LTF-UL 2003
TL-Ultralight s.r.o. TL 2000 Sting S4 DAeC 61242 LTF-UL 2003
TL-Ultralight s.r.o. TL 3000 Sirius DAeC 61221 UL-2 Teil 1 & LTF-UL 2003
TL-Ultralight s.r.o. TL 3000 Sirius DAeC 66221 UL-2 Teil 1 & LTF-UL 2019
TL-Ultralight s.r.o. TL 96 Star DAeC 61174 BFU 10/95 % LTF-UL 2003
TL-Ultralight s.r.o. TL 96 Sting DAeC 61174.1 BFU 10/95 & LTF-UL 2003
TL Ultralight s.r.o. TL 96 Sting SP4 DAeC 61174.11 BFU 10/95 & LTF-UL 2003
Peter Rong Toruk DAeC 61234 LTF-UL 2003
Ing. Nando Groppo S.r.l. Trail Bugrad DULV 810-14 1
DULV 810-14 2
DULV 810-14 3
DULV 810-14 4
DULV 810-14 5
DULV 810-14 6
DULV 810-14 7
DULV 810-14 8
LTF-UL 2003
Ing. Nando Groppo S.r.l. Trail Spornrad DULV 808-11 1
DULV 808-11 2
DULV 808-11 3
DULV 808-11 4
DULV 808-11 5
DULV 808-11 6
DULV 808-11 7
DULV 808-11 8
DULV 808-11 9
DULV 808-11 10
DULV 808-11 11
LTF-UL 2003
Ing. Nando Groppo S.r.l. Trail Spornrad DULV 808-11 12
DULV 808-11 13
DULV 808-11 14
DULV 808-11 15
DULV 808-11 16
LTF-UL 2020
Fa. Tomas Podesva Flugzeugbau TUL 03 "Amigo" DAeC 61204 LTF-UL 2003
SE-BEST-air, Casimir Sebesta UFM 10 Samba XXL DAeC 61181.1-1 ULL 02 (2004) & LTF-UL 2003
Distar Air UFM 10 Samba XXL DAeC 61181.1-2 ULL 02 (2004) & LTF-UL 2003
Dipl.-Ing. Dieter Reich ULF-2 DAeC 61126 BFU 10/84 & BFU 10/95 & LTF-UL 2003
Roman Weller Flugzeugbau UW-9 "Sprint" DAeC 61172 BFU 10/95 & LTF-UL 2003
SFS Leichtflugzeugbau VAGABUND DAeC 61122 BFU 10/84 & LTF-UL 2003
Pipistrel d.o.o. Virus SW DULV 778-10 1
DULV 778-10 2
DULV 778-10 3
DULV 778-10 4
DULV 778-10 5
DULV 778-10 6
LTF-UL 2003
Pipistrel d.o.o. Virus SW Spornrad DULV 1008-24 1
DULV 1008-24 2
DULV 1008-24 3
DULV 1008-24 4
DULV 1008-24 5
DULV 1008-24 6
LTF-UL 2003
Pipistrel d.o.o. Virus SW 600 D DULV 965-19 1
DULV 965-19 2
LTF-UL 2019
Pipistrel d.o.o. Virus SW 600 D Spornrad DULV 998-23 1
DULV 998-23 2
LTF-UL 2019
JMB Aircraft s.r.o. VL-3
VL-3 E
VL-3 F
VL-3 TE-915
VL-3 TE-916
DAeC 66214 LTF-UL 2019
R.F. Kurtz Wild Thing WT 01 DAeC 61152 BFU 10/95 & LTF-UL 2003
R.F. Kurtz Wild Thing WT 02 DAeC 61152.1 BFU 10/95 & LTF-UL 2003
Aerospool, spol. s.r.o. WT 9 600 FG DULV 969-20 1
DULV 969-20 2
DULV 969-20 3
DULV 969-20 4
DULV 969-20 5
DULV 969-20 6
DULV 969-20 7
DULV 969-20 8
DULV 969-20 9
LTF-UL 2019
Aerospool, spol. s.r.o. WT 9 600 NG FG DULV 993-22 1
DULV 993-22 2
LTF-UL 2019
Aerospool, spol. s.r.o. WT 9 600 NG RG DULV 994-22 1
DULV 994-22 2
LTF-UL 2019
Aerospool, spol. s.r.o. WT 9 600 RG DULV 970-20 1
DULV 970-20 2
DULV 970-20 3
DULV 970-20 4
DULV 970-20 5
DULV 970-20 6
DULV 970-20 7
DULV 970-20 8
DULV 970-20 9
LTF-UL 2019
Aerospool, spol. s.r.o. WT TS DULV 1000-23 1 LTF-UL 2019
DULV 605/06-02 2
LTF-UL 2003
Z 602 RG
DAeC 61144.5 BFU 10/95 & LTF-UL 2003 & LTF-UL 2019
ROLAND AIRCRAFT Z-602-600 DULV 997-23 1
DULV 997-23 2
DULV 997-23 3
DULV 997-23 4
LTF-UL 2019
ZENAIR LTD. Zenair STOL CH-701 DAeC 61258 ULL 17/96 & LTF-UL 2003
Czech Aircraft Works s.r.o. Zenair Zodiac CH-601XL DAeC 61196 BFU 10/95 & LTF-UL 2003
ZENAIR LTD. Zenair Zodiac CH 601 XL DAeC 61196.1 BFU 10/95 & LTF-UL 2003
ZENAIR LTD. Zenair Zodiac CH-650 E DAeC 61196.2 BFU 10/95 & LTF-UL 2003
I.C.P. srl Zenair Zodiac CH-650 Ei DAeC 61196.3 BFU 10/95 & LTF-UL 2003
ROLAND AIRCRAFT Zodiac 601-D DAeC 61144 BFU 10/95 & LTF-UL 2003
ROLAND AIRCRAFT Zodiac CH 602 XL DAeC 61144.4 BFU 10/95 & LTF-UL 2003
ROLAND AIRCRARFT Zodiac DX DAeC 61144.1 BFU 10/95 & LTF-UL 2003
  End of list    

Specialist staff
Last modification 25.10.2024

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