Aircraft record

In the Swiss aircraft record, which should not be confused with the Swiss Aircraft Register, material rights relating to aircraft (e.g. aircraft liens, notifications) can be recorded. Entries may include lease agreements, notifications regarding restricted availability, etc.

Entries in the aircraft record


Federal Office of Civil Aviation

Laurent Noël
Tel: +41 58 465 90 98
Fax: +41 58 465 92 12

Mail Laurent Noël

Igor Pirc
Tel. +41 58 465 74 56
Fax +41 58 465 92 12

Mail Igor Pirc

Tania Erpen
Tel: +41 58 465 01 28
Fax: +41 58 465 92 12

Mail Tania Erpen

Esther Jutzeler
Tel. +41 58 484 52 17
Fax. +41 58 465 92 12 

Mail Esther Jutzeler

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